Penarth African Drummers

To keep up to date with the Penarth drumming group and to see when our scheduled workshops are, please see our Facebook event page here

Phelps Music are currently running an ongoing weekly African drumming course at Glyndwr Community Centre in Penarth on a Saturday morning, 10am-11am. Initially set up as a 4-week taster course at Penarth Pier Pavilion in October 2014, before we moved to Glyndwr Community Centre in May 2017, it has proved to be so popular that we've been delivering it every week ever since!

What started out as a short pilot scheme to gauge interest in African drumming classes has under Dan’s tutorage, turned into a long term venture. Class members enjoyed it so much they wanted to continue.
The interest in drumming has grown because of Dan’s expert teaching methods (together with the fact that drummers can make as much noise as they like in our sound proofed cinema). The sessions are structured so that drummers can develop their repertoire and, at the same time involve any new comers, who are able to join in without feeling left behind. The age of those taking part ranges from toddlers to pensioners, and Dan somehow manages to engage all age groups at the same time. His gentle encouragement and enthusiasm soon has everyone participating fully and any trepidation soon disappears.
The class is emotionally and physically uplifting; therapeutic and refreshing – an hour well spent.
— Karen Rogers, the education coordinator at Penarth Pier Pavilion

Below are a selection of recordings from our sessions!

Below are a selection photographs (photography by Karol Steckiewicz) of the group in action!